Friday, April 20, 2007

When being a trainee teacher, are you really supposed to lose the will to live on a thrice-weekly basis?

The interview is on Monday, and it's just going to be full of bullshit, because I genuinely feel like a crap teacher.

The idiotic thing is why? I know loads of stuff about English and literature, I'm passionate about them, and I enjoy working with kids.

I think the problem is that teaching is taught to us as if we should extract information out of the kids and help them find out themselves, rather than actually give them information. On the contrary, the best lessons I've done have been when I've actually taught the kids the information that they're meant to have. This is the fault of a number of things in education: the National Literacy Strategy, SATS & league tables, the emphasis on the skill of literacy, the lack of use of whole-book reading etc etc.

My discipline management skills have fallen apart the last two days. I need to find my grid, colour in the boxes and count the hours I hae left.

On a positive note, it's the weekend! Thank fucking God.

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