Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I don't know what it is about being at home, but I always feel so tired, and I'm incapable of getting out of bed at a reasonably early time.

I just went into town for the sales and, as predicted, it was entirely unsuccessful. Some cheap wool and penguin ribbon were the extent of my "bargains".

I seem to be permanently fed up and generally pessimistic at the moment. I think this is due to my uncertainty about continuing my teacher-training course. I have an assignment that needs to be done for 2nd January, when we're back at university for some doubtless pointless sessions, and I really can't bring myself to start it. Everything regarding this year seems so prescriptive and overly-demanding. Really: 5 of the most boring assignments I could ever imagine. If we, as teachers, were ever to give out such relentlessly crap work we'd be rightly deemed shit. It all seems ludicrously unfair, and I don't think I can be arsed with it.

I need to start a "For and Against" list to work out what I should do . . .

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