Monday, February 19, 2007

Aargh (and commas)

It's amazing how stress effects you (well, one). I feel physically ill this evening due to ecessiveplanning workload. I wasd already stressed out about this, and then I got a phonecall from another school inviting me to an interview on Friday. I also have an interview on Tuesday and the preparation I have to do is frightening me. This is without my worries about assignments and keeping on top of my "evidence" file that I need to complete to meet Qualified Teacher Training standards.

So yet again, I'm going to have a bath. I seem to have baths all the time now: they're losing their soothing, mind-relieving properties.

What did cheer me up was reading Lynne Truss' Eats, Shoots & Leaves, looking for instances of confusing comma use. The following make me laugh out loud:

Go get him, surgeons!

What is this thing called, love?

Leonora walked on her head, a little higher than usual.

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