Monday, June 02, 2008


A number of problems:

1) No car. Something is wrong with it, and I don't know what except that it involved scraping the offside rear wheel along the ground and was thus undrivable. And it cost me £40 to get it towed to the garage round the corner (guy from my recovery service on the phone: "It'll cost you £40, but when I say £40, that's the cash price. I don't believe in paying tax, so I don't expect you to pay me tax." lol!).

2) "Theoretical band" meeting tomorrow. In which I need to do a better job of pretending I have any sort of skill at guitar. I'm quite good at convincing myself that I'm ok when I don't have to prove it, but then various boys take a guitar out of my hands and I see that I'm shit. Which is shit.

3) It's very hard to focus on creative output when you have so much uncreative output to get through in your spare time. I really need to get organised.

4) Yet another flying visit North scheduled due to me being disorganised (see point 3) which means that yet again I have no free weekend.

5) No car = no food.

6) Everything costs loads of money.

7) This half term - the last of this year - is really fucking long. I'm longing for Summer holidays to a scary wishing-my-life-away extent . . .

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