Saturday, March 08, 2008

Ding Dong The Witch is at the Beginning of the End?

So I woke up getting excited about Maggie Thatcher being in hospital, but it's just for fainting, and she's probably getting discharged later today anyway.

It's made me think about what the public reaction will be when she does bow out. Loads of people I know say they'll be involved in the country-wide street party (I think I'm a member of the "Street Party when Thatcher Dies" Facebook group), but will anything like that actually happen? I doubt it. When it comes down to it, people like resenting her, but I think on the whole we're too restrained and nice a bunch of people to actually celebrate someone's death.

I was imagining doing a mammoth bake and giving away free cupcakes to celebrate, and how I'd get horrible looks and comments from various people saying what I was doing was in very poor taste and inappropriate.

More likely, as Ian says, there'll be this mammoth rewriting of history, and various political figures creeping out of the woodwork to tell us she was the greatest prime minister we've ever had. Rephrasing "crippling the North" as "pioneering economic reform". Whatever.

Probably that will inspire me to make more cakes with an image of her face with a big X through it.

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