Sunday, January 06, 2008

"Overtly resist change"

That's what the random oblique strategy said. Interesting, because at this time of year, everyone's going on about their plans to be different or do new things. I've thought vaguely about some things I'd like to improve on or to change, but nothing so rigid as a set of "resolutions". If anything, I was thinking about how bizarre the words "resolve" and "resolution" are.

I resolve to be a better person - I am resolute about this - I will therefore have a better resolution.

Do we really want to resolve all those untidy endings? Sounds pretty boring if you ask me. I do not resolve to be unresolute.

So my nonresolutions are:

To attempt to have some fingernails (same as every year)
To structure my leisure time so that I can be more productive and spend time working on the projects that make me happy (I always aspire to achieve more, but never can because I never rethink my procrastinating and lazy habits).
To watch less television (relates to the above, obviously).
To spend my free periods and lunchtimes at school productively, and reduce the amount of crap I purposelessly haul to and from school.
To go round to (more) people's houses more and invite them to ours.
To complete and be happy with any of the following: a short story (or short play), an EP, a set of screenprints or artworks.
To file things straight away (if this requires tidying or reorganising my current filing
system, then so be it).
To travel more.

I think that those are all about not changing and more about being better at being me. But that might be bullshit.

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