Sunday, December 02, 2007

I'm hungover and trying to mark kids' draft coursework essays and getting increasingly infuriated with the lack of detail on the mark scheme. It's not a serious hangover; just one that makes you feel lousy enough to have trouble concentrating and has you acting like a grump.

I'm going to another gig tonight - woe is me. I really want to see some of the bands, but in all honesty, I'd rather curl up in bed and hibernate. Preferably not with a stack of badly-punctuated scrawled essays by 14/15-year-olds who can't embed quotations (despite a lesson on it) or organise their thoughts into paragraphs.

I think I'll go ponder the C/B borderline again and pick at my tiny battle-scar from last night's gig (the Hipshakes guitarist accidently shattered a beer glass and propelled it through the air with his headstock, sending tiny shards everywhere, including my arm. Good gig!) . . .

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