Monday, August 13, 2007

Recently, Google has been letting me down. Twice I've searched song lyrics to find an artist or title, and both times to no avail. It makes me wonder if at some point I've substituted completely different words. I usually hear lyrics weirdly anyway, sometimes to comic effect. On Saturday, we ended up at Penelope's (newly opened former casino adjoined to the Odeon, bizarrely. It had this amazing casino carpet covered in clubs and kings) and Darlings of the Splitscreen played. They're really awesome both recorded and live, and their harmonies and beats are killer. Anyway, I remember thinking one of their lyrics was a little unusual: "my situation is tenable." What a strange thing to sing, I thought, without it occurring to me that I might have misheard. The next morning Ian was singing, "my situation is terrible," and suddenly the world made more sense. However, that song will remain bizarrely businesslike to me. In my head now it's, "my position is untenable."

What a non-story. Shut up, Jess.

I bought 'Easy Tiger' and it's slightly disappointing - if you can purport to be disappointed when you were expecting to be. However, I'm completely in love with the song "I Taught Myself How to Grow Old". I must have listened to it a dozen times today, in addition to having sung it myself over and over after working out some chords. Overall, I much prefer '29'.

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