Saturday, September 30, 2006

Who writes these things?

I have just received a letter from my doctors' practice suggesting I go for a cervical smear. I have been ignoring similar letters from my health authority because they clearly state that the smear process should start when you're 25--I am 24 and I had a smear when I was 20. It was a very unpleasant experience.

This letter, however, says the system operates for women between 20 and 64 years of age. It goes on to tell me, "Our records show that you have not yet taken advantage of the invitation to attend for a smear." Taken advantage of the invitation? Is it a free gift? Have I been invited to a VIP event?

It's almost as badly put together as the hilarious letter from my car insurance provider offering me accidental death insurance:

"No matter what out aims, ambitions or dreams are, none of us really knows what the future holds. When we're young, we often feel that we can live for ever, but sadly it's a fact that fatal accidents happen every day to people just like me or you."

Apparently these fatal accidents occur most commonly to people between 16 and 24 (I'm almost safe!).

Does anyone read this without hearing a voice screaming from between the lines, "You could die! You might die tomorrow! Then your parents will have to pay off your student loan!"

Do people really respond to this kind of persuasive argument? I'm sure one million people already do have this cover, but I bet they weren't patronised with euhemisms and indirect references.

Who writes this shit? Their managers should be sacked.

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