Thursday, March 15, 2007

Everything all at once

Whilst bending down scrutinising the washing machine that isn't working, I realised I could smell wee. Animal wee.

I searched the cupboards and could find no droppings.

Then, this afternoon, I spotted the tiny little poos on the opposite side of the kitchen. I crouched down and was intoxicated by the stench of animal output from under the cupboards.

Why oh why oh why?

The council don't charge for rats, but they do charge for mice (£50). If anyone knows of a cheaper, preferably humane way to rid one's abode of rodents, please share.


Anonymous said...

Get a cat. Although they do tend to bring you the bodies as little presents!

Anonymous said...

Our local council give you a couple of free sachets of mouse poison if you visit the one stop shop. usually works !

Jess said...

I'd love to get a cat, but we aren't allowed one in this place (or any other place I've ever lived), and while I'm not overly squeamish, I wouldn't be delighted by its "presents".

Good to know about the free sachets though. I'll check it out.

I went to the local hardware store to survey their options, and they have an plug-in electronic deterrent which emits high-pitch noises apparently. I haven't heard of them before, and they cost around £17.

I couldn't work out how to set the traditional traps, plus they're £1 each, which would be expensive if there's as many of them as I think . . . I certainly wouldn't fancy recycling the traps . . .