Monday, March 10, 2008

This, that and everything else

Some days you just think you've totally lost all capability. You're sitting there, perching, feeling shit with a sore throat and sounding very hoarse, and the excellent task you've put effort into preparing just falls flat. You can't shout anyway, and they know it (sense it, perhaps), so you're there, sighing, completely impotent.

Little bastards. One of them even put up a hand to high-five me (something to do with Marilyn Manson - don't ask), the cretin. I gave him a very stern look. I think they genuinely believe I should be flattered by their approval or whatever - they're only just 15!

Anyway, I went to the school gym afterwards which definitely helped to de-stress. My physical fitness is absolutely crap, however. I managed to row over 1000 metres, however, and ran (sometimes walked quickly) over 1500 metres. In total, I burned about 200 calories or so. That might be my future serving of apple crumble and custard this week.

So - Friday was the first "Party Lounge" (that is, the monthly night to be hosted by The Yell). The support band, AGASKODO TELIVEREK, were excellent, though their set went on a bit. They consisted of an English (I think) drummer, who drummed to a click-track throughout, two very eccentric-looking Hungarian guitarists (dressed in 118-esque short and T-shirt outfits) and a Japanese singer, who half screamed and half posed throughout the set. It was extremely entertaining.

The Yell are going to have to work on an after-party though. The night at the Pomona was fairly empty and after having an ultra-shit attempt at pool, we went home after a pretty short period of time. Pool's one of those things that really matters when you're drunk and rubbish at it, but seems ludicrous the next day.

Anyway, actually socialising has made me feel enormously trapped by the restricting mass of marking I have to do, and - full circle - makes me extremely resentful of ungrateful kids.

I'm terrified, at the moment, of that feeling that will inevitably surface, after which I'll hate every single moment of my job. I've been suppressing it all through the winter with almost total success. Ironically, I can feel it bubbling away more now that it's getting lighter and warmer - this is the time I should be using for myself, not for some children's half-arsed attempts at homework.

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