I've achieved two things today: 1) I've learned how to use the timer on my digital camera; 2) I've finally got some pictures of my quilt, which I finished edging last weekend. So I've been having a bit of a camera day and have been enjoying setting up my tripod and mucking around. Here's the roll:

The quilt's in the background, but notice I'm getting horrible laughter lines . . . or maybe it's just creases from sleeping . . . Perhaps I went very foetal in my pictures to compensate for this aging. Actually, it's because I wanted as much quilt as possible in the picture whilst I was still in the frame.

I'm really pleased with the edges, and particularly my mitred corners, which I hand-stitched because I couldn't be arsed with the sewing machine. I had to pin the edging in place onto the quilt to check the fabric strips I'd made were exactly the right length. But my sewing machine isn't really big enough to cope with the weight of a whole quilt tugging on it, so it was easier to just sit on the floor and do it by hand.

Annoyingly, you have to reset the timer each picture, which isn't the most intuitive of processes and I therefore kept forgetting. There probably is a better way, but I haven't found it yet.

It's not exactly the most intricate of designs, but it's so big that it took me an age to make . . . and I like it.
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