Thursday, May 03, 2007

My mood is along the lines of, "I really fucking can't be arsed." I just can't be bothered with all the grief of trying to teach children. I'm knackered and I have no life, and for what? There's no reward as far as I can see. As I drive to and from school, instead of making last minute mental adjustments to lesson plans, I get distracted by the flowers and foliage on the way. I was admiring a roadside pyracantha just before and thinking how lovely it would be to work with plants rather than young people. Or perhaps people at all for that matter, because I'm not sure anyone actually changes all that much. To see that, you just have to sit in a room of PGCE students and see how everyone messes around in different ways while the tutor tries to speak.

Roll on the summer. Except I haven't got any plans for summer yet because I haven't had time to investigate or organise anything . . . still, at the moment just lazing around and having some sleep sounds perfect.

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