Thursday, May 03, 2007

After today, twenty-four days left

What a relief that is. It's still five weeks, I suppose, but I'm almost there: just one final assignment to go, then a length of time to be spent collecting evidence for the damned 'standards', and I'll be done. If only I had a job lined up . . . I recently emailed in an application for yet another Catholic school, and hilariously I have heard nothing. There seem to be a myriad positions going though, so sooner or later someone has to give me a job, I just hope that it's in a relatively okay school.

Anyway, I had a visit from my tutor on Monday: he had to observe me, then observe my mentor feeding back her observations to me. They told me my language was too complex: I'd used "stereotype" and "2D" with Year 9s. They're 14 for God's sake!

Oh well.

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