As readers will know, I discovered mouse droppings and a horrible smell of animal urine when we moved into our flat. We put down poison, and while the urine smell remained, sometimes vague and sometimes very strong, we found no further droppings. So we thought maybe we'd been mistaken about the smell and there was something wrong with the sewer (I say "we", but in actual fact I never deviated from thinking the mice were behind it).
So, I stood in the kitchen this morning, eating my rice crispies, when there was a sudden "eeek!" and a scurrying-thump underneath the floor. Then silence. Ian insists that the poison only thins the blood rather than killing the mice in an excruciating manner, but I'm doubtful.
Anyway, it just goes to show that the poison hasn't worked at all, and our kitchen will stink of wee for the forseeable future. What can be done? I think I'll ring the estate agents tomorrow and put my foot down . . .

if yr house is infested you don't have to pay rent.. you should phone yr agent immediately! it's one of the illegalest things in the world!
x x
How many mice makes an infestation though?
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